Thursday, 24 January 2013

I'm back!

Hi again,

Sorry for the delay! I have had the best of intentions, but didn't follow thru...
Bit of a theme for me really! I will commit to the blog from tonight, at least once a week to share the adventures of the fat fairy!

So how about an update.. I am really proud to say I have lost 2.5kg since starting my challenge just over 2 weeks ago. 1.2kg in week one & 1.3kg in week two! My goal was 0.5-1kg a week so I am happy to be achieving above that.. It hasn't been easy.

That's what I want to share with you tonight, I have made a bit of a back of the envelope list of what's hard with being healthy... then I thought I would reply to it with the alternative.. Its the fat fairy & the fit fairy facing off in my head really... I would love to hear your thoughts! Please follow the blog if you enjoy it & leave me some feedback on here, I would really appreciate knowing who is reading this out there!

So being healthy & exercising is hard work!

  • I need to make time; EVERY DAY to move my body; increase my heart rate & get busy!
  • It hurts! Last week after my session with my fantastic trainer, I struggled to go to the loo! It hurt to get on & off the toilet! Really... at 2 am after answering natures call, I actually debated staying on the toilet it hurt my legs so much to stand back up!
  • Eating well costs more! No more $5 Hungry Jacks value meal... with a sundae! :( Fresh fruit & vegies & good, healthy meat is expensive, even healthy snacks are expensive & soooo much harder to find!
  • I have to be organised. Prepare my food, no eating on the run. I can't as healthy options are harder to "grab" on the run...
  • I miss Bread... Alot.. for the first week I dreamt about it. My first bread free weekend I smelt fresh bread everywhere I went! I have had two sandwiches since, yep I had obviously turned bread into my fantasy food, the reality was no where near as exciting!
  • I hate drinking water... It is very, very boring... Enough said.
  • I am now aware how unfit I REALLY am... it's very confronting to realise how little you can actually do without thinking you may jest explode; pass out or die on the spot..
  • I HATE coming last in my fitness class... Really HATE it...  

  The alternatives for the Fat Fairy?

  • Stay fat.... This equals stay unhappy. Stay unhealthy. 
  • Being embarrassed by being short of breath when walking up 6 stairs at work!
  • Not being able to walk in & buy clothes at any store because sometimes the 18 is too small...
  • Failing...
  • The image in my head of me, in Phuket for my 40th next year... not great in this body...
  • The thought of having to go onto medication because my health is out of control, when I could have controlled it.
  • Worse still, my health declining to a serious point & knowing I didn't do everything I could have, when I had the chance to influence it... This one makes me feel sick just thinking about it..

The Answer?

The fat fairy is going down... Literally! She is going to drop on the scales & she is going to disappear! The reality...
It is going to be really hard.. That I know. I am going to slip up every now & then, & that's ok. 
I will keep going, & I won't give up... Because hard isn't a reason to not get there, it's just a bull shit excuse.
So stick with me guys, 2.5kg in 2 weeks is 12.5% of my goal! I am pumped! Next update I will tell you more about my food changes & my fitness training... Till then I will be eating clean & training dirty!
Deb the 2.5kg lighter Fat fairy xoxo

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Greetings from the Fat Fairy

Welcome to my blog!
One of my dreams for 2013 is to get fit & healthy! Lets face it, its been on the the to-do list for about 15 years now.. My youngest is turning 13 in a few weeks, I really can't use the 30+ kgs I put on in her pregnancy as an excuse any longer. Can I?
So I have decided this is the year to do it! I am 40 next year; I have some health issues & the extra 25kgs are doing me no favours.
Professionally I do alot with goal setting & coaching. I feel I could write a book on the "HOW" of living your dreams, but I am lacking in taking action in my own life.
Don't get me wrong, I have great self awareness & I am good at making time for all the important people & things in my world. I have strong time management; I am disciplined & very committed to what I believe in. I just have never prioritised my health & fitness. Pretty stupid really. I am a good one for "burning the wick at both ends" as my mum often reminds me.
I have a great career, run my own business & I am married with 2 teenage kids, I am not one that uses the excuse of having no time... We all have 24 hours in our day, its up to us what we do with them!
So now its time to make losing the weight & getting fit my new "Project"! I hope to use this blog to vent; share my success & also be really transparent & honest with how I am finding the challenge.
As of today I am at day 4 of the new me! I have registered for an outdoor fitness group with a wonderful local personal trainer; started a local weigh in challenge & started a walking group with my friends... Like I said, I am pretty full on when I put my mind to it.
As for my "diet", over the years I have read & tried almost everything... Weight watchers; Dukan; Atkins; Body Trim... the list goes on. I am not following any set plan this time. I am trying to eat "CLEAN" & I am aiming for high protein with a focus on vegies & chicken; did I mention I am also the worlds fussiest eater!

So far, the hardest part is BREAD!! I thought I would be craving chocolate, or crying over my massive coke zero reduction (8 cans+ a day down to 2)... but no, its bread... I am really missing my comfort relationship with bread. Fresh bread with butter... always makes me happy & I actually look forward to eating it. So I have told my self one day a week I can have 2 slices of bread. That will be next Thursday & it is giving me motivation to get to next Thursday! Its a bit sad I know, that I can be so focussed on a particular food. It has consumed my thoughts for 4 days, because I know I can't have it!

Well I hope thats enough of an intro for you, I am having an early night tonight. My wonderful & supportive friends had me walking 1 hour & 20 mins this afternoon!

Please follow me on my blog & share your stories with me. Lets keep each other motivated & on track!

Blog soon,

Deb :)